Call Lists - 6970 IP Conference Phone

To view the list of incoming calls received, follow these steps:

  1. Press CALLS.

    The system displays the most recently dialed name and number (if the name is not known, only the number is displayed) along with the date and call duration information.

  2. Use the UP and DOWN keys to navigate the list (if required).
  3. Press Goodbye to exit from the call list.

To call a number from your incoming calls list (only available if dialing from the incoming call list is supported by your Service Provider):

  1. Press CALLS.

    The system displays the most recently dialed name and number (if the name is not known, only the number is displayed) along with the date and call duration information.

  2. Use the UP and DOWN keys to navigate the list (if required).
  3. Press DIAL to make a call to the displayed number.

    To quit without calling, press the Goodbye key.

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