Call Park via Consultative Transfer

Using Call Park via Consultative Transfer, you can park a call using a Basic SIP Terminal (BST) phone, or an analog phone connected to an Analog Telephone Adaptor (ATA). The call can then be retrieved from another phone at your business.

There are two methods for Call Park via Consultative Transfer: Generic and Directed.


Using Generic Call Park via Consultative Transfer, you can park a call using just a star code.

To park a call, follow these steps:

  1. While on an active call, press Transfer or flash the hookswitch (see Note).
  2. Dial the Generic Call Park via Consultative Transfer code:
    • *95X where X is one of:
      • 0 or 00, instructing the system to pick a park location for you
  3. Wait for the call park location announcement.
  4. Press Transfer or hang up (see Note).

    The call is parked.
    Another user is then able to pick up the parked call, by using the *96X code or by using an assigned memory key.

For Call Park initiation, you must leverage the consultative transfer feature of your phone – usually this means press Transfer or flash the hookswitch. Similarly, to complete Call Park, you must also leverage the consultative transfer feature of your phone – usually this means press Transfer or hang up. However, some phones will vary. Consult the documentation provided with your phone.

Using Directed Call Park via Consultative Transfer, you can park a call at a specified park location.

To park a call at a specified location, follow these steps:

  1. While on an active call, press Transfer or flash the hookswitch (see Note).
  2. Dial the Call Park via Consultative Transfer code, followed by a park location:
    • *95X where X is one of:
      • 1-9, indicating park locations 1 through 9
      • 10-99, indicating park locations 10 through 99
        (for systems with extended park locations only)
  3. Wait for the call park location announcement.
  4. Press Transfer or hang up (see Note).

    The call is parked.
    Another user is then able to pick up the parked call, by using the *96X code or by using an assigned memory key.

For Call Park initiation, you must leverage the consultative transfer feature of your phone – usually this means press Transfer or flash the hookswitch. Similarly, to complete Call Park, you must also leverage the consultative transfer feature of your phone – usually this means press Transfer or hang up. However, some phones will vary. Consult the documentation provided with your phone.

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