Configure Email Forwarding of Voicemail Messages

To configure the system to send you an email containing the voice message when it is deposited in your voicemail box, follow these steps:

  1. Click My Voicemail in the left menu.
  2. In the Receiving Voice Mail section, check Send copies of the voicemail as an email attachment to:
  3. Enter the email address(es) that you want the notifications sent to. You can enter multiple email addresses delimited by semi-colons [;], commas [,], or spaces [ ].
  4. From the pull-down list, select whether to delete or keep a copy on the Voicemail system.
  5. Click Save.
If you configure your voicemails to be emailed and deleted from the voicemail system, then you must also disable the Message Waiting Indicator. See Enable Message Waiting Indicator.

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Document Version: Final 1.0
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