Import Contacts Limitations and Restrictions

The following limitations apply. When the maximum is exceeded, the system returns the associated error messages:

  1. 100 maximum fields per contact—Maximum allowed fields in a single contact limit reached. Extras ignored. Imported <0> fields of Contact <1>,
    <0> is the number of fields that were imported/total in the contact
    <1> is the contact identifier that is now missing fields.
  2. 70000 maximum fields total—Maximum allowed contact fields limit reached. Extras ignored. Imported <0> Contacts, where <0> is the number of contacts that were imported/total in the file
  3. 3200 contacts—Maximum allowed contacts limit reached. Extras ignored. Imported <0> Contacts, where <0> is the number of contacts that were imported/total in the file
Contacts can be excluded when the contact limit and field limit have been reached, in which case the system returns both errors 2 and 3. It is also possible that exclusions in 1 result in no exclusions from 2.

The following restrictions apply:

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