Using the Monitor Call or Monitor Call Silent feature, you can monitor and pick up calls occurring on another user’s phone. To use this feature
For example, if you have one Monitor Call/Monitor Call Silent key programmed for a Monitor Primary, you will only be able to monitor one incoming or outgoing call at a time. If you have two Monitor Call/Monitor Call Silent keys programmed for a Monitor Primary, you will be able to monitor two incoming or outgoing calls at a time and so on. There is no direct correspondence between a Monitor Call/Monitor Call Silent key and a Line Appearance on the Monitor Primary's phone. The Line Appearance that the first call occurs on (not necessarily the first Line Appearance) will be monitored by the first Monitor Call/Monitor Call Silent key, the Line Appearance that the second call occurs on (not necessarily the second line appearance) will be monitored by the second Monitor Call/Monitor Call Silent key and so on. See Programmable Memory Key Features.
The Monitor Call/Monitor Call Silent key indicates the state of the Line Appearance on the primary group member's phone that is being monitored. The only difference between Monitor Call and Monitor Call Silent is that your phone will not ring to indicate an incoming call to the Primary member. For example:
To answer a call occurring on the primary group member's phone, follow these steps:
Press the Monitor Call/Monitor Call Silent key to answer the call in speaker mode.
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