Multi-desking lets you associate your extension with more than one terminal at a time. It means that all the phones you are logged into (both MiNET and SIP) ring simultaneously. Terminals that are offline, or are within sites for which admission control is in effect do not ring. You can answer any of the terminals. The first one you answer connects you to the caller. Your call forwarding and call coverage configuration applies to all calls, regardless of how many phones ring.
You can make a call from any terminal you are logged into. Calling permissions, caller ID preferences, and billing obligations apply.
Note that multi-desking does not refer to the capability of logging more than one subscriber into a single terminal.
Multi-desking features include
You can be logged into more than one terminal simultaneously. A terminal can be a SIP or MiNet phone.
Calls ring all terminals that you are logged into. Terminals that are offline, or are within sites for which admission control is in effect, do not ring. Any of the terminals may answer; the first to do so is connected to the caller. Your call forwarding and call coverage configuration applies to all your calls, independent of how many phones ring.
You can originate a call from any terminal that you are logged into. Your calling permissions, caller ID preferences, and billing obligations apply.
All device identifiers for subscribers and locations are listed on the User Details page. Tenant administrators can log out subscribers from any phone by checking Unassign next to the device ID. Each device ID has an Unassign checkbox.
The My Phones page shows a List of Devices that you are logged into.
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