Corporate Directory

You can access the Corporate Directory regardless of whether you are logged into a phone. Searches behave as if a '*' wild card is appended to the end of the search term.

Quick Search

Quick Search only searches for last names and location names.

  1. Press Home.
  2. Press Directories.
  3. Press Corporate Directory.
  4. Enter your search criteria.
  5. Press Submit.

    The system returns results based on your search criteria.

  6. Optionally, press View to see more information about the subscriber.
  7. Press Dial to call the subscriber.
Advanced Find

Advanced Find searches based on Last Name, First Name, and Phone Number. If a subscriber in your search results has no first name, there is no first name line in the search results.

  1. Press Home.
  2. Press Directories.
  3. Press Corporate Directory.
  4. Press AdvFind.
  5. Enter your search criteria.
  6. Press Submit.

    The system returns results based on your search criteria.

  7. Optionally, press View to see more information about the subscriber.
  8. Press Dial to call the subscriber.
If you cannot connect to the Corporate Directory, contact Support.

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Document Version: Final 1.0
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