Park Location

Park Location lets you monitor, park and retrieve calls on a parked location.

To program a key for a Parked Location, follow these steps:

  1. Click My Phones in the left menu.

    The system displays the My Phones page.

  2. Select the phone name from the Phone Name drop-down list.
  3. Click the Line/BLF key that you want to program.

    The system displays the Program Memory Key Details page.

  4. Complete the following fields.
    • Feature: Select Park Location.
    • Label: (Optional) Type in a description. If no description is typed the system default (Park on <location>) is applied.
    • Details: Select the Park Location from the drop-down menu.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Click Close Window.

When a call is active, press the key to park it. When a call is parked, press the key to retrieve it.

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