Park and Retrieve

There are two methods for Park and Retrieve: Any and Location.


Using Park and Retrieve, you can put a call on hold at a park location so that it can be retrieved from another phone at your business. To use this feature, you must program a memory key as a Park/Retrieve key.

To put a call on hold at a park location, follow these steps:

  1. While on an active call, select a memory key programmed with the Park/Retrieve feature.

    The system places the call on hold at a system-selected park location.

    The park location is displayed on your LCD

    You are no longer connected with the caller and your phone returns to the idle state.

To retrieve a parked call, follow these steps:

  1. From an idle phone, either
    • lift the handset
    • press the line key

    This selects the next available Line Appearance.

  2. Select a memory key programmed with the Park/Retrieve feature.

    The LCD prompts you for the "Park Location:".

  3. Enter the required park location using the phone keypad.

    The system connects you with the caller who was on hold at the park location. The Information Area Display shows the caller’s name (if known) or number.

  • To cancel the retrieval of the parked call, press QUIT or Cancel (5212/5312) or replace the handset (5304).
  • If you enter a park location where there is no caller on hold, the LCD briefly shows "No Parked Call".
  • There are nine park locations available (1 through 9). If all park locations are in use when you try to park a call, the LCD briefly shows "Park Locations Full" and the call will be placed on hold.
  • If the call is left parked for the Park Reminder Interval (the default is 30 seconds), the phone of the person who parked the call will beep and the LCD briefly shows "Call parked at: " with the park location number to remind you that a call that you parked has not been retrieved.

Using Park on X key, you can put a call on hold at a specific park location (if that location is not busy) so that it can be retrieved from another phone at your business. When a call is parked at that location the key illuminates on all phones having a Park on X key for that location. See Programmable Memory Key Features.

To put a call on hold at a specific park location, follow these steps:

  1. While on an active call, select a memory key programmed with the "Park on x" key .

    The system places the call on hold at that park location.

    The park location is displayed on your LCD

    You are no longer connected with the caller and your phone returns to the idle state.

To retrieve a parked call, follow these steps:

  1. From an idle phone, either
    • lift the handset
    • press the line key
  2. Press the Park on X key where X is the location of your parked call.
  • If you press the Park Location key while the LED is not lit, the LCD briefly shows "No Parked Call".
  • There are nine park locations available (1 through 9).
  • If the call is left parked for the Park Reminder Interval (the default is 30 seconds), the phone of the person who parked the call will beep and the LCD briefly shows "Call parked at: " with the park location number to remind you that a call that you parked has not been retrieved.

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