Program Memory Keys on Verge 9318Ex-WE Expander

To program the memory keys on a Verge 9318-EX Expander, follow these steps:

  1. Click My Phones in the left menu.

    The system displays the My phones page.

  2. Select the Verge 9318-EX model from the Phone Model drop-down list.

    Your options are Verge 9318EX1-WE, Verge 9318EX2-WE, or Verge 9318EX3-WE. Only choose the Verge 9318EX2-WE when this is the second Expander unit, and Verge 9318EX3-WE when this is the third Expander unit, to be attached to the phone.

  3. Select the page of keys that you want to program.
  4. Click the memory key that you want to program.

    The system displays the Program Memory Key Details page.

  5. Complete the following fields. See Programmable Memory Key Features.
    • Feature: Select the feature to be programmed.
    • Label: (Optional) Type in a description. If no description is typed the system default will be applied.
    • Details: Select from a drop-down list or type in the required number without any spaces or characters. Not all features require this field.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Click Close Window.

    Your phone key profile is updated.

  8. Repeat steps 3-7 for each memory key to be programmed.
To cancel your changes, click Close Window instead of Save in step 6.

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