Transfer Calls to Voicemail

MiNet Phones

To transfer a call to voicemail using a MiNet phone, follow these steps:

  1. While on an active call, press TRANSFER.

    The system places the call on hold, and the LCD prompts you with the "Transfer To:" message.

  2. Press one of the following keys:
    • *99
    • Voicemail hard key
    • PMK
  3. Enter one of the following targets:
    • The user's extension
    • MY VM
    • DIRECTORY—Scroll through the directory to find the user you want to transfer the VM to and press DIAL.
    • Programmable Memory Key (PMK)

    The system completes the transfer.

SIP Phones

To transfer a call to voicemail using a SIP phone, follow these steps:

  1. While on an active call, press Transfer.
  2. Choose blind or supervised when applicable.

    The system places the call on hold.

  3. Enter *99 and the user's extension, including your own.
  4. Press TRANSFER for supervised transfers. You do not have to press TRANSFER for blind transfers.

    The system completes the transfer.

You cannot transfer a call into your own voicemail box from your own extension using the procedure above. You must use a BLIND transfer, which uses the REFER method.

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Document Version: Final 1.0
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