
If the option is allowed by your administrator, you can configure twinning, which allows you to ring another external phone (such as your cell phone) simultaneously with your desk phone. To view your Twinning options select the My Call Handling option in the Navigation pane.

Follow these steps to set your twinning parameters:

  1. Check Activate Personal Twinning .
  2. Check Activate Group Twinning .
  3. In the Twinning Target field, enter the phone number of the phone you want to ring in addition to your desk phone. Enter the number as you would normally dial it from your desk phone including prefix digits.
  4. Select the maximum number of simultaneous calls you want sent to your twinning target from the Maximum #of simultaneous calls to Target drop-down list. Note that your desk phone can receive as many simultaneous calls as its number of Line Appearance keys.
  5. Click Save.
Do not configure your Twinning Target to be your own company phone number.

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