Configure Group Presence Override Routing from a Phone using a Programmable Memory Key
To override Group Presence State Routing using Program Memory Keys, follow these steps:
- In order to override group presence state using a PMK, presence states must be programmed through WebAdmin first. See Configure Call Group Presence State Call Routing section in Tenant Admin Guide.
- The group presence states that can be programmed through WebAdmin are
- In Office
- Lunch
- Away
- Vacation
- Once the group presence state is programmed for the phone, the default presence state keys will be displayed on phone screen.
- The configured presence state for that hour will lit up and be highlighted on the phone screen. Tapping on or selecting this presence state key will not turn it off.
- User can only select other presence state to switch from the current configured presence state.
- If the phone has "In Office" as the configured presence state, user can select and switch to "Away", "Lunch" or "Vacation" presence states or vice versa by pressing the corresponding key on the phone screen. The corresponding presence state will then be lit up on the screen.
- If the phone has "In office" as the configured presence state, selecting "In office" key on phone screen will not turn it off. The states can only be switched from one to another. The same applies to Away and Lunch.
- However Vacation state can be turned off by selecting vacation key on the phone screen. Once turned off, the next configured state will take over.

The configured group presence states from WebAdmin could be
In office,
Away and
Lunch. The overridden states could be
In office,
Lunch and
Vacation. The light will indicate the current configured state.

When you override your group presence state, the override will terminate at the next transition. For example, if you override
In Office to
Away 5 minutes before
Lunch, the override will continue only for those 5 minutes, until the transition to
Lunch occurs.

The presence time is based on the Time of Day as well as the Time Zone.