If there are messages in your mailbox press 1 from the Main menu to listen to these messages. Your urgent and new messages are played before any saved messages.
You can interrupt the message at any time by pressing any of the menu keys to activate a command. Remember that you may press * at any time to return to the previous menu or 0 for help. If you press # while the message is playing, it skips to the end of the message.
While the message is playing you can save 2 it, delete 3 it, reply 4 to the sender, if known, and forward 5 the message to another subscriber if it is not marked private. You can go back in the message 7, pause the message playback 8, and skip forward 9. You can also press 6 to hear the date and time the message was sent and, if known, the name of the sender. Pressing the 8 again after pausing restarts playing of the message.
When the message has finished playing, the 8 and 9 keys no longer take effect, the 7 key plays the previous message, and # plays the next message.
When you save or delete a message, you start to hear the next message in your mailbox unless you press * to return to the Main menu.
If you press # to skip a new or urgent message, it will remain “new” in your mailbox until you save or delete it.
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