
This feature applies to phones with softkeys or the programmable keys on Verge WE phones.

To log out from a phone, follow these steps when your phone has no calls connected:

  1. Press MENU, then LOGOUT.


    For Verge WE phones, press the LOGOUT programmable key.

    The phone displays a confirmation message.

  2. Press YES to proceed.

    The phone displays the message "Logout successful", confirming that you are logged out of the phone and the system. Incoming calls will be forwarded to Call Coverage. The phone returns to a logged out/unassigned idle state.

  • If your phone has been locked you cannot log out of the phone. The LOGOUT softkey is not be displayed on your phone. Contact your System Administrator for assistance.
  • You cannot log in or out, or activate a phone, while the phone is on an active call.
  • You can use instead of QUIT (not applicable to Verge WE phones).
  • After you have logged out of the phone, callers to your extension will be directed to your call coverage target. If no call coverage target is set, the phone will ring until the caller hangs up.
  • If the primary member of a Monitor Group logs out of the phone, calls to the Monitor Group will still ring any secondary phones and will redirect to the primary member’s call coverage target after the configured number of rings.
  • For more information about Monitor Groups, see Monitor Calls.
  • If a logged out phone has twinning configured, the twinning target phone will ring and the call will be redirected to the logged-out phone’s call coverage target after the configured number of rings.

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Document Version: Final 1.0
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