Program Memory Keys on Mitel Phones
Any features that you assign to the memory keys remain associated with your extension regardless of which model phone you log into, which means that if you program memory keys when selecting a model with a large number of programmable memory keys (such as the Mitel 5224 IP phone), and then log into a model that has fewer programmable memory keys (such as the Mitel 5212 IP Phone), some of the keys (the left hand column) are not visible to you (although any of the programmed memory keys could be active).
Supported phone models include the following:
Poly and Verge WE phones are also supported with limited features. See Poly Phones or Verge WE Phones.
To program features to memory keys, follow these steps:
- Click My Phones in the left menu.
The system displays the My phones page.
- Select the phone name from the Phone Name drop-down list.

When the phone model is known, an asterisk [*] beside the model indicates that you are logged into that device model. There is no asterisk when a logged-in phone model is unknown or when you are not logged in to any device.
- For Mitel 5320-5320GigE/5330-5330GigE/5340-5340GigE/5360 phones, select the appropriate Page number.
- Select the memory key that you want to program by selecting the appropriate button icon.
The Program Memory Key Details page appears.
- Complete the following fields. See Programmable Memory Key Features.
Feature: Select the feature to be programmed.
Label: (Optional) Type in a description. If no description is typed the system default will be applied.
Details: Select from a drop-down list or type in the required number without any spaces or characters. Not all features require this field.
Status: (Only appears with the Forward features). Select Active or Inactive. You will be able to Activate or deactivate the feature by pressing this memory key on the phone once it is programmed.
- Click Save.
- Click Close Window.
Your phone key profile is updated.
- Repeat steps 3-7 for each memory key to be programmed.

To cancel your changes, click
Close Window instead of
Save in step 6.